Saturday, May 23, 2015

Beat the BOT

In our days of quick everything, time has never been more precious and priceless. We work hard and push ourselves to the limit to always be on time not be behind. Meeting deadlines is one of the main reasons of pressure that we face on daily basis when trying to deliver any kind of work.
I am a firm believer that if you want to succeed at something , you should not just settle for average or have a “go with the flow” mentality. In order to really succeed you need to beat the Be On Time lifestyle and find ways of how to be ahead of time instead.  
Often times I hear people complain that they do not have enough time to get things done: I couldn’t disagree more. Below are a few tips that could save us a reasonable amount of time and hopefully help us be ahead of time instead of just on time.

·       Get Organized
It is estimated that the average human being spend the total of one year of his lifetime looking for lost possessions. Surprising, right?
Being an organized individual is a main factor in saving time as you will not need to waste that much time looking for lost belongings or misplaced items here and there.

·       Stay Focused
A large percentage of people have not trained themselves to stay focused on the task at hand. Losing focus is a definite time waster and much time can be gained by developing the habit of focus.

·       Time your tasks
Setting yourself a challenge to accomplish any given task in a reasonable amount of time can create pressure; a well needed pressure indeed. A moderate amount of healthy pressure can get us to finish any task or job in a shorter time than we would while doing the same task in a deadline free condition. Get into the habit of setting deadlines for any task or project that you work on in order to manage and perhaps even save time.

·       Plan Ahead
Planning any project or task ahead of time can be a huge time saver when done properly. A plan is your best map to the destination using the shortest, yet most effective route. People who work without planning end up wasting a considerable amount of time on things that could have been avoided. Successful leaders and individuals will never go without a plan.

·       Hang out with the right crowd
As harsh as it may seem, letting go of useless company is also a time saver. Emotions aside, try to take a look at your friends and run them through a filter; how many of them actually share same interests as you do? How many of them spend most of their time whining and complaining about how unfair life is and about all the negative things that happen to them? And how many of them actually speak positivity into your life, motivate you and are always there whenever you need them? Making a choice when it comes to the people you spend time with makes a lot of difference in the quality of your life.

·       Do not waste time trying to make everyone happy
Making everyone around us happy can be a real challenge, however, the good news is: you don’t really have to worry about making everyone happy. The truth is: if anyone is not happy with you, it is their problem not yours, so stop wasting time trying to figure out how to make everyone happy and focus on what makes you happy.

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Rule of Growth.....No Pain...No Gain

    Being a former amateur body builder and still a big fan and practitioner of the sport, I am sure that almost all those who are into the world of body building take the former pro-bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenneger as their idol. I can write pages upon pages from lessons that we can learn from the former Mr. Olympia, Hollywood Star, and former governor, however, I am writing this article because of a basic rule that Arnold set in order for anyone to have their muscles grow using effective exercise. It is the nature of the human muscle to feel exhaustion and pain after a few repetitions of weight lifting, Arnold rule says that the muscle grows when we still do a few more reps after feeling that discomfort, soreness and pain in the muscle.

The concept of how to get a human muscle to grow attracted my attention to a great extent. Giving this method some deep thought we will come to realize that this is a rule that applies not only to muscle growth, but to growth in different aspects of our lives. Oftentimes we complain about the weights in our lives, we seek to unload all the heavy weights and life troubles off our backs. Pain is usually a sign of discomfort and unrest. However, through it all there is always a light at the end of the tunnel should we choose to change our perspective of things; at the end of the day, our life is the consequence of the choices we make and we always have a choice.

Allow me to challenge you today for a mental and spiritual workout; are you going to give up, put the weights down and walk away, or are you going to push a few more reps through the pain and the heavy weights to grow more and more? The same thing that we normally try to avoid and runaway from can be the exact same reason behind our gains and growth.      

May your life workouts be full of growth